Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Legal Standards And Regulations - 1433 Words

1. A) Arguments for proposal: i) Establishing legal standards and regulations always play an important role when it comes to the user s perspective, it equips the user to use the system in the right way to maximum capacity. It also brings out the system s restraints in various aspects of functioning and safety per the regulations. ii) Imposing legal standards can counter activities deemed to be illegal like hacking which is a threat to safety and critical information stored in the systems. Arguments against the proposal : i) Few people made arguments against the proposal for legal standards and regulations, they feel that legal standards may stand barriers for complete utilization of full potential of the systems. It is also argued that legal standards only restricts organization freedom and growth in a perspective. ii) Legal standards can cause many other problems such as bad functioning of organization and thus causing difficulty for management to the people administrating. Counter arguments for the proposal: i) It is argued that though the legal standards are adopted for safety of organization, but there are also break through counter advancements developed to threaten the security topologies managed by the organization. ii) legal standards are seen as obstructions to emergency situations where immediate decisions cannot be taken at difficult situations. Counter Arguments against the proposal: i) The legal standards and policies laid down should also contain theShow MoreRelatedAlumina Inc: Minimizing Tort Liability Arising Out of Regulatory Risks1338 Words   |  6 Pages Regulatory risks are risks associated with the failure to comply with a whole host of governmental regulations. Such risks impact a company’s existing assets, earnings, and often, reputation. 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